Disclaimer: These were all the links in my read later for this week. It doesn’t mean that I agree or approve any of the content. The longest ones will be included in hr to keep them separated from the rest of the content. Notice: Some of the links may be...

I needed to do a 301 redirect but I neither had access to the cPanel or FTP. I could just edit the full HTML code of the index.php page from the built-in editor in the browser.

And second Issue of “Reading Material for the Week”, the new installment of “Best of Reddit”. It will still include links from reddit, but it will also include links for the whole web. It’ll mostly be focused on programming and technology, but it’ll vary.

If you followed the hints that Apple gave in the past year you are surely using Size Classes in your Storyboard files to set up different UI for different sizes, but maybe you didn’t know that you can do that from code as well. To check if you’re running in...

Update 2016-02-12: Notice that I’ll be soon migrating off to valentinourbano.com and will likely shut the faucet down.