Disclaimer: These were all the links in my read later for this week. It doesn’t mean that I agree or approve any of the content. The longest ones will be included in hr to keep them separated from the rest of the content. Notice: Some of the links may be...

I spent a fair part of September debugging a weird Issue that happened in IPLocation. The first thing that I know is that this issue only happened to the Mac App Store version of the app. At the time I was only selling IPLocationMini directly so I could quickly rule...

I’ve refrained from posting about my apps on this blog, I’ve only talked about iOS as a whole or if I’ve talked about an app it was for a sort of tutorial or snippet.

Disclaimer: These were all the links in my read later for this week. It doesn’t mean that I agree or approve any of the content. The longest ones will be included in hr to keep them separated from the rest of the content. Notice: Some of the links may be...

Disclaimer: These were all the links in my read later for this week. It doesn’t mean that I agree or approve any of the content. The longest ones will be included in hr to keep them separated from the rest of the content. Notice: Some of the links may be...