SwiftUI On All Devices

These are notes I’ve taken while watching the video of the corresponding session. They don’t have all the information contained in the video, but I’ve tried to still write the main points for my personal use cases.

Different appearances for each device. There is no one size fits all, but can use SwiftUI across all and share code where it makes sense.

Learn once, use anywhere. Apple built an app across all devices: Landmarks. Actually 4 apps ;)

iOS Version avialble as Tutorial on SwiftUI.

Apple TV

Streamlined navigation Good for media Longer time, from a distance, with multiple people

Use focus to make the content interactable by the remote. SwiftUI already does that for sysyem controls.

[Video @ 11:30] For custom controls use let canBecomeFocused: Bool var body:some View{ … .focusable(canBecomeFocused){isFocused in //focus changed } .onPlayPauseCommand {

} .onExitCommand{

} }

On TV NavigationView is the parent of TabView. The tabbar as you navigate deep into the content will disappear. we want fullscreen experiences.

[Video @ 15:00]


Use .controlSize() for small controls

Bind tabs to keyboard shortcut. Add it to menubar from storyboard Add commands: extesion Command{ static let showExplore = Command(Selector((“showExplore:”))) static let showHikes = Command(Selector((“showHikes:”))) static let showTours = Command(Selector((“showTours:”))) }

TabbedView(selection:$selectedTab){ … } .onCommand(.showExplore){self.selectedTab=.explore} .onCommand(.showHikes){self.selectedTab=.hikes} .onCommand(.showTours){self.selectedTab=.tours}


MyCustomView().touchbar(//attach it to a view when displayed or its a parent TouchBar{ Button(action:toggleFavorite) } )

struct SharedLandmarkList : View { //... var rowProvider: (Landmark) -> LandmarkRowType var body:some View{ return List(selection: $selectedLandmark){ ForEach(landmarksToDisplay){landmark in self.rowProvider(landmark).tag(landmark) } } } }

In mac code: struct MacLandmarksList:View{ var filterCriteria:LandmarkCriteria @Binding var selectedLandmark:Landmark? var body:some View { SharedLandmarkList( filterCriteria:filterCriteria, selectedLandmark:selectedLandmark ){landmark in return MacLandmarkRow(landmark:landmark) } } }

AppKit to define windows. Doubleclick to pop out a window

class DetailWindowController:NSWindowConroller{ convenience init(rootView:RootView){ let hostingController=NSHostingController(rootView:rootView.environment(UserData.shared).frame(minWidth:300,minHeight:400) ) let window=NSWindow(contentViewController:hostingController) window.setContentSize(NSSize(width:400,height:300)) self.init(window:window) } }

struct MacLandmarksList:View{ … var body:someView{ … return MacLandmarkRow(landmark:landmark) .tapAction(count:2){//only double click self.showDetail(landmark:landmark) } } } func showDetail(landmark:Landmark){ DetailWindowManager.shared.showWindow(for:landmark) } }

Apple Watch

Actions with 3 taps of fewer

Use .digitalCrownRotation

[Video @ 36:00]



Example: animating images [Video @ 41:40]

struct SlideShow:View{ let imageNames:[String] @State var currentIndex:Int=0 var bosy:some View{ ZStack{ TourImage(name:self.imageNames[self.currentIndex]).id(self.currentIndex).transition(.slide) }.showNextImage(after:2.0){ self.nextImageIndex() } } func nextImageIndex(){ let nextIndex = (currentIndex+1)% imageNames.count withAnimation(.fluidSpring()){ currentIndex=nextIndex } } }

Source SwiftUI On All Devices


Valentino Urbano

iOS Developer, Swift, Writer, Husband

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