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Ben brooks make a collection of the quotes of the main topic all across the blogosphere yesterday: Mike Daisey statement about the work conditions in China at Foxconn were lies.

Marketplace Talked with Kathie Lee (the translator which was with Daisey in China - he didn’t speak Chinese):

Cathy Lee, Daisey’s translator in Shenzhen, was with Daisey at this meeting in Shenzhen. I met her in the exact place she took Daisey—the gates of Foxconn. So I asked her: “Did you meet people who fit this description?”

“No,” she said.

“So there was nobody who said they were poisoned by hexane?” I continued.

Lee’s answer was the same: “No. Nobody mentioned the Hexane.”

I pressed Cathy to confirm other key details that Daisey reported. Did the guards have guns when you came here with Mike Daisey? With each question, I got the same answer from Lee. “No,” or “This is not true.”

Then they met Daisey:

Rob Schmitz: Cathy says you did not talk to workers who were poisoned with hexane.

Mike Daisey: That’s correct.

RS: So you lied about that? That wasn’t what you saw?

MD: I wouldn’t express it that way.

RS: How would you express it?

MD: I would say that I wanted to tell a story that captured the totality of my trip.

Ira Glass: Did you meet workers like that? Or did you just read about the issue?

MD: I met workers in, um, Hong Kong, going to Apple protests who had not been poisoned by hexane but had known people who had been, and it was a constant conversation among those workers.

IG: So you didn’t meet an actual worker who’d been poisoned by hexane.

MD: That’s correct.

As I said a few weeks ago Most journalist have sold their souls to pageviews when they should care about users and great content.

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Valentino Urbano



Valentino Urbano

iOS Developer, Swift, Writer, Husband

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