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I did not have any New Year’s resolution. Instead I prefer to have a slightly longer timescale for my goals:

My top 3 plans for the next 5 years:

  1. Get a house
  2. Learn more web development
  3. Write more

1. Get a house

Getting closer, but still not there yet. I’m slowly getting there by saving aggressively.

The 5 year timescale is too short to invest money in the stock market so I’m simply using a savings account which does not really give much return nowadays, but better than nothing. On plan to be able to afford it in less than the allotted 4 years left.

2. Learn more web development

I’ve worked on one web only freelance project this year and it was nice, the client was happy and I learned a lot from it. There is still a lot to learn though…

3. Write more

This has been a resounding success. I’ve written every day for more than a year and more than 110k words to date. The only downside about it is that it being 200 words every day they tend to be short term content which is limiting, but writing long form is a lot more time consuming and I do not have the time to dedicate to it at the moment. Will see in the future.


Looking back the overlaying narrative is: This has been a year of change.

The most important event of the year has been moving to Poland and dealing with all the bureaucracy involved in it, which I’m nowhere close to finishing after 6 months. It is always astonishing to see how complicated it is moving to a different country, especially considering it is still in the European Union. We already went thought it before when my wife moved to Italy 4 years ago, so we already knew what to expect, but it is still annoying nonetheless.

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Valentino Urbano



Valentino Urbano

iOS Developer, Swift, Writer, Husband

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