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Best of Reddit - Introduction:

There are so many great threads on reddit, every single day, but soon they disappear into the void - for the very nature of reddit itself. This is a place to save what I find most “useful” in a given week.

I’d bet that the quality of this panel is gonna vary a lot on a week by week basis, but I hope that overall it’s gonna be worthwile — you’ll be the judge of that.

[Not from TIL1]

After a month hiatus from this column I couldn’t leave you hanging with no Extras. Know that another extra is sheduled for next week, if all is good…

Best posts from the previous year, as always not ordered.

A nice real life explanation on how hearing something — even only a television can be of vital importance for an elder.

• The title will suffice: TIFU By having gay sex with my cousin when i was 6 years old and attempted to casually bring it up now that we are adults.

Nope that’s not all, it was with their wifes and a gay waiter too. All in.

To pass the time…

Similar to the previous one

Again similar, but GIFs this time

Psycology tricks to do on people

The best tale from a tech support guy ever

part 2
part 3
part 4

This is so hilarious.

Free, useful things to get on the internet

TIFU on chatroulette

A guy deleted the whole mailing list for his company and reddit fixed the problem

He got way more users than what he lost.

TIFU by following the no fraternizing at work rule

Nobel of peace summit

TIFU by smiling

Tech support gets crazy at times — Ops, all the times

Leaks of secret documents

God and Lucifer playing Chess.

I’m sure that I’ve missed a bunch of them but that’s it for 2014. See you next week for another Issue of “Best of Reddit”. 2

  1. I decided not to include anything from Today I Learned subreddit since it’s just a link to an outside source, unless the comments in itself can summarize the topic in its integrity. I also decided not to include “The Fappening”, not only because it has been removed from Reddit a short time after the fact, but also because I’m not keen on invading the privacy of other people. Such high morals… XD 

  2. Hope I won’t have to change the name to “Worst of Reddit”, but it doesn’t seem the case. Reddit is still up there producing amazing hilariously content, and also more serious one — from time to time. 

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Valentino Urbano



Valentino Urbano

iOS Developer, Swift, Writer, Husband

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