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I wanted to wait well past everything calmed down to report in with the latest developements.

As everybody should know by now Ellen Pao resigned from CEO 2 weeks ago today:

After more than two years at reddit, I have resigned today. My first day was April 1, 2013 (go orangered!), and every day since has been an adventure.
So why am I leaving? Ultimately, the board asked me to demonstrate higher user growth in the next six months than I believe I can deliver while maintaining reddit’s core principles.

AskReddit response:

We would like to take the opportunity to remind everyone that when AskReddit shut down it was related to issues of mod-admin communication that had been a concern since before Ellen was the CEO. We in no way intended this as a result.
The admins have been extremely positive and appear to be working hard towards giving us better tools and communicating better. We, in particular, want to thank /u/krispykrackers and /u/deimorz for those efforts. Here’s to a more positive relationship moving forward.
More importantly, we want to remind you about “Remembering the Human.”
It’s a simple concept, which many of us are guilty of forgetting sometimes, but there is no better time than now to stress the importance of it. We wish Ellen the best of luck in her future ventures and are hopeful of the future for the community.

And as always SubredditDrama has a full coverage of the evnts so go check it out.

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Valentino Urbano



Valentino Urbano

iOS Developer, Swift, Writer, Husband

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