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I’m maintaining a lot of applications for my various clients. A lot of them include dependencies on the form of Cocoapods. Today I had some free time (a rare thing) so I took advantage to update all dependencies. Usually, it would involve a lot of switching back and forth going through the various folders and manually running ‘pod update’, but no more. I’ve made a python script to just loop in my clients’ folder and update every single application. This is totally fine since if I need to stay on one version of dependency for some reason I can always pin it in the Podfile.

The script:

import os
import sys

path = "/Users/valentinourbano/Documents/Freelance"
dirs = [d for d in os.listdir(path) if os.path.isdir(path + "/" + d)]
for entry in dirs:
    os.system("cd " + path)
    print("Working on " + entry)
    os.system("cd " + path + "/" + entry)
    subdir = os.listdir(path + "/" + entry)  # list of subdirectories and files
    if "Pods" in subdir:
        print("Updating Pods " + entry + "...")
        os.system("cd " + path + "/" + entry+";pod update")
        print("No Pods found in directory: " + entry)

It just loops through all the folders and checks if they contain a Pods folder if they do it updates the dependencies.

Note that I’m navigating to the directory more than necessary, but when I didn’t do it it would run the command from the wrong directory, no idea why since I’ve just navigated to it above. I guess that each os.system is an independent call.

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Valentino Urbano



Valentino Urbano

iOS Developer, Swift, Writer, Husband

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