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On showrooming:

If you were unaware, Amazon has actively promoted “showrooming”, which is the act of standing in a brick-and-mortar bookstore, looking at a book, and then buying it on Amazon, rather than from the bookstore

I don’t understand all the fuss around it.

I’ve been doing that since 8 years ago. Not because Amazon tells me to do it, but because it’s obvious.

I check if the price is totally different and usually it is. The Amazon price is 6 euro and 99 while to get it in the store I need to pay 19.99. Yes, those are real numbers and this happens 80% of the times. The problem is not Amazon, but the stores. I just can`t justify spending more than 100% more for the same product, especially when Amazon ships it to my doorstep (usually the next day). If the price was similar of I there was any other kind of upside in buying it in the store (for example signed copies) I’d do that in a heartbeat.

It’s sad to see small bookstores closing down, but I think they should try to cater to a different crowd. Maybe without selling bestsellers, but more niche books that it’s going to be hard to find on Amazon. Specialize.

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Valentino Urbano



Valentino Urbano

iOS Developer, Swift, Writer, Husband

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