Optimizing Storage in Your App

These are notes I’ve taken while watching the video of the corresponding session. They don’t have all the information contained in the video, but I’ve tried to still write the main points for my personal use cases.


  • Use HEIC instead of JPEG 50% smaller size at comparable quality alpha support lossless multiple images in a single container

  • Asset Catalog Device and scale variants On demand resources App slicing for iOS Better performance on Image Loading and App Launch (10% on HDD Mac)

  • File System Metadata [Video at 5:50] Take the example of an app that updates a plist file with the latest launch date. 1 read 3 writes Why? Metadata writes.

APFS has copy on write so when we need to change the note of the filesystem. When you update a file it needs to update the file system node and the object map on top of actually editing the file. Smallest filezise on iOS is 4k, so even if our file it’s smaller it gets rounded up. So to edit a 200bytes file you take 12K (4k each). 2% efficiency.

Do not store small amount of data as individual file onthe filesystem.

Overhead for common operations: Create 8k Delete 8k Rename 16k Edit 8k

If you need to, keep the file open until you have finished.


OS Cache (Logical IO) - Backed by memory, very quick Disk Cache (Physical IO) - On Disk Permanent Storage (NAND)

fsync() - move data from OSCache to DiskCache. Does not guarantee write ordering. Might not be written to permanent storage immediately. Expensive. Already called periodically by OS so usually not needed. F_FULLFSYNC - All data in disk cache to be flushed to disk. Really Expensive. Already called periodically by OS so usually not needed. F_BARRIERFSYNC - Enforced IO Ordering. IO before the barrier executed before the ones after.

Plist XML JSON Easy to use for data that does not chance frequently.

  • Scales poorly
  • Whole file must be rewritten for every change
  • Metadata intensive
  • Not a db replacement

Look at disk usage in Instruments. For example writeDictToFile for NSDictionary ends with a call to fsync.

Core Data

  • Built on SQLite
  • Manages Object graph and relationshiping
  • change tacking
  • automatic version tracking
  • cloudkit integration
  • live queries
  • automatic memory mamangement
  • transaction
  • migrations
  • denormalizations
  • 50/70% less code for model layer


  • Keep db open for as long as possible

Delete mode journaling is default to SQLite.

[Video @ 18:00] WAL journaling multiple writes to save page snapshot support Writes to a log until enough changes to write to db More efficient for most use cases.

Use transactions. Pages that are edited multiple times in same transaction get written only once to the db recuding load.


still on disk only marked as deleted

use PRAGMA secure_delete=FAST; Default for SQLite for iOS13

  • Size

Not use VACUUM Really slow. All data needs to be written twice.

Use auto_vacuum=INCREMENTAL, set incremental_vacuum to set the free pages to be available for future use for SQLite.

  • Partial Indexes Overhead for indexes Give faster order by, .. clauses Index only for specific where clause

File Activity

Automatic Reasioning for:

  • Ecessive physical writes
  • Failed IO calls
  • Suboptimal caching Shown in Instruments in the Filesystem Suggestions.

[Video @ 29:23] Opening and closing the db after each write Favoriting 2 photos 1k operations, 6MB [Video @ 31:35] Having the connection always open Using delete mode journaling 54 operations, 288k

[Video @ 32:30] WAL journaling Disk Usage only 2 In delete mode when we have filesystem usage we have disk writes. Here it leverages the cache. In Filesystem Activity -> Statistics -> WAL has 1 fsync call, DELETE has 16.

Delete a photo one delete query per photo 111 operations,12 writes for 72 kb

transaction 27 operations,4 writes, 24kb

Full Vacuum 27 operations, 168kb Incremental 12 op, 72kb

Source Optimizing Storage in Your App


Valentino Urbano

iOS Developer, Swift, Writer, Husband

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