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Every summer I spend one week without connectivity and I find myself really productive thanks to it.

I usually spend that time developing, but one thing I want to try this year is to spend that time just writing and not developing/programming at all. Closing Xcode and VSCode for a week. I don’t think I’ve ever done that since I started writing code. It’s something that intrigues me and scares me at the same time. What if I have some great ideas that I NEED to code right then and there? My brain comes to help to remind me that I can always write everything down and code it later, there is no need for the rush. What if there are some unexpected problems and some of my client’s sites go down? This is probably the only case when I would break the hiatus if needed, but usually, there is no need to code to solve this kind of problems so I should be safe even in this scenario. It is a test and I shouldn’t go into it expecting anything. I think it’s going to be good for my writing, but I don’t know yet. Will you join me?

And yes, that’s probably when I’m going to either schedule posts or break my streak, but it’s ok. I’m going to keep writing anyway on a daily basis (as stated above).

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Valentino Urbano



Valentino Urbano

iOS Developer, Swift, Writer, Husband

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