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It sounded strange to me, but there is no way to enumerate all the cases of an enum automatically baked in the language. As an example I had this enum for three different strings that corresponded to 3 Identifiers of NSToolbarItems:

 enum Identifier: String {
  case General = "General"
  case Network = "Network"
  case Advanced = "Advanced"

And I need to enumerate them so I can tell the toolbar which items are selectable and which aren’t. By the way, I have no idea which this method returns an array of AnyObject instead of an array of String, as it should do — but I’m digressing.

So I added a new property in the enum called allValues 1


  func toolbarSelectableItemIdentifiers(toolbar: NSToolbar) -> [AnyObject] {
    return //?

So I changed the enum to include a property that contains all of them — not the most beautiful thing to see, but it gets it done.

  enum Identifier: String {
  case General = "General"
  case Network = "Network"
  case Advanced = "Advanced"
    static let allValues = [General, Network, Advanced]

So now we can do:

 func toolbarSelectableItemIdentifiers(toolbar: NSToolbar) -> [AnyObject] {
 return Identifier.allValues

  1. I use CapitalCase for enums and constants, but in this case, it wasn’t actually a constant, it’s more like a function that returns all the values of the enum. I know that technically speaking it’s a variable inside the enum, but it really shouldn’t be necessary. 

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Valentino Urbano



Valentino Urbano

iOS Developer, Swift, Writer, Husband

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