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September has arrived and with it a new Apple event and new iPhones.

I have never bought an iPhone on release.

I usually tend to wait at least one generation. A lot of people try to get rid of theirs and you can get great deals.

This year, after trying out Android for one year and having a great experience until yesterday I’m going to try to get an iPhone on day one.

I’ve also been using a basic smart watch and I’m liking it so far (had it for 6 months). So I’m also planning to get an Apple Watch if finances allow for it. The one I currently have only tracks steps, sleep and obviously shows the time, it is way better than nothing and being able to get your steps and sleep tracked automatically is really good. I’m going to miss having 2 weeks of battery life though.

All in all it’s possibly going to be the most expensive month in the year. That said I usually tend to keep my phones until they break (generally 4 years).

I always try not to read any Apple news websites before both WWDC and the fall event to avoid any spoilers. If I go and watch and even already knowing half of the stuff in it, what’s the point of watching the live stream at all?

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Valentino Urbano



Valentino Urbano

iOS Developer, Swift, Writer, Husband

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