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Your Devices

I love having a clean home screen on my iPhone and a clean desktop on my Mac.


  • Clutter makes you waste time.
  • Clutter makes you lose focus.
  • It’s easy to access everything i need from search: CMD + SPACE on Mac, Swipe down from every screen on iPhone.

My approach is different:

On iPhone obviously, I have icons. The first page is sacred. Only apps that I use every day multiple times a day are allowed there. The only exception is apps that are really important but for very important reasons I don’t use every day (for example a navigation app that I don’t use on weekends when I’m home) On Mac, I prefer an empty desktop. It is used as an actual Desktop, so if I’m actively working on something or if it’s something I’m working on a regular basis (every day - no less) it goes on the desktop. When I finish working on it, it goes off the desktop.

On my work Mac, I have 10 files there. I could remove 6 of them if I really wanted to. On my home Mac, I have zero.

Your Desk

Your desk should have the least clutter possible. I usually have just my Mac, my phone, and the (Mac) charger. Nothing else. If I need something else for that specific job I’ll add it from the cabinet when needed. No point cluttering your desk with stuff you’re going to need just once a month or even less. If you know you’re going to need something at least once a day that it makes the cut, otherwise put it away somewhere still easy to access, but not in plain view.

Your Room

If you work from home you should have a different room for your studio. You should keep your working environment separate from your personal one. I realize that that’s a challenge at times, and I don’t follow this to the letter either, but if you can you should. You should also get up and not work from your bed (as I’m doing right now - such hypocrite). om your bed (as I’m doing right now - such hypocrite).

Read more about cleaning your desktop on my article abpout clutter

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Valentino Urbano



Valentino Urbano

iOS Developer, Swift, Writer, Husband

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